September 2023

September 2023

Not long ago we noticed the chill in the air of winter was gone and replaced by a bit warmer breeze. It was a very long winter with the cold starting while I, Amy, was in the US to visit Alyssa in May

Six-Year Update

Dear Praying Friends, Psalm 126:3 says, “The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!” We cannot think of a better refrain to celebrate the 6-year anniversary of our arrival

April/May 2023

Dear Praying Friends, Ministry life here continues to be busy and fruitful, with much to praise God for. We remain ever grateful for the love, prayers, and financial support we receive, and we appreci

March 2023

Dear Praying Friends, For this update, we’d like to share several specific prayer requests and opportunities for support under the headings of “growth,” “opportunity,” and “need.” GROWTH

January/February 2023

Dear Praying Friends, Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” This verse is widely misunderstood and misused to promote the prosperity gosp

2022 Highlights

Dear Praying Friends, For this update, we’d like to share our family highlights, ministry highlights, and personal highlights from 2022. Before we mention specifics, we just want to thank and praise

November 2022

Dear Praying Friends, It’s hard to believe 2022 is nearing its end! As we consider how God has blessed, we indeed have innumerable things for which to be thankful. We have been going non-stop since

August/September 2022

Dear Praying Friends, Praise the Lord for His provision! Just last week, we sent an urgent appeal to help meet our fundraising goal for our Foundations Program. On Monday, we were in need of $18,000 b

June/July 2022

Dear Praying Friends, Since our last update (early June), things have been extremely busy but completely rewarding at the same time. From June 10-12, we were blessed to have Ken Banda, a dean at Centr

April/May 2022

Dear Praying Friends, Greetings once again from our beautiful home in Knysna! We are enjoying cooler temperatures with plenty of sunshine as we move from autumn to winter. This time of the year has ty

February/March 2022

Dear Praying Friends, It’s been two months since our last update, which seems long in some ways, but the time has flown by. While some of our regular activities resumed in January shortly after we r

January 2022

Dear Praying Friends, We hope you had a wonderful Christmas season and are off to a good start for 2022. As many of you know, we spent most of December and the first week of January in the US, our fir

November 2021

Dear Praying Friends, First, thanks again to all of you for your prayers, support, encouragement, and communication. We know it takes a team of people to properly support and uplift a missionary, and

October 2021

Dear Praying Friends, As most of you know, we spent most of September and the first week of October in the USA. We praise God that all the travel logistics worked well, and that we were finally able t

Four-Year Update

Dear Praying Friends, Monday of last week (the 16th) marked four years since we arrived in South Africa to begin our ministry here. As with any “anniversary” such as this, we are moved to reflect

June 2021

Dear Praying Friends, We continue to rejoice in all that God is doing on the Garden Route, and we thank Him for the opportunity to serve here. Not only that, but we also thank God for the partnership

April/May 2021

Dear Praying Friends, We want to begin with a sincere thanks to those who have responded to our appeal for support toward the Biblical Leadership Institute Scholarship Fund. We have received enough fu

March 2021

Dear Praying Friends, If you have been keeping up with our updates, you know that one of our key ministry opportunities has been the Biblical Leadership Institute (BLI). The purpose of BLI is to prepa

January/February 2021

Dear Praying Friends, You know the saying, “two steps forward and one step back.” Or perhaps less positively, “one step forward and two steps back.” You know the feeling, right? You make progr

November – December 2020

Dear Praying Friends, What a whirlwind the last two months of 2020 have been! Our apologies for the delay in sending this long-overdue update. It all started in early November with Covid-19 making its

October 2020

Dear Praying Friends, We had planned to send a “regular” update for this month, but what we had planned to report seems to matter very little right now. Our hearts are broken. Yesterday, three mem

September 2020

Dear Praying Friends, September has been a wonderfully busy month, since most of our normal ministry activities have resumed as they had been before our nationwide lockdown began. We say “wonderfull

Three-Year Anniversary Update

Dear Praying Friends, On Sunday, we celebrated 3 years of being in Knysna, South Africa! It’s hard to believe that this much time has gone by. So much has happened, and yet we still feel new to the

June 2020

Dear Praying Friends, We continue to thank God for your prayers and support. We hope you are all doing well and staying safe, as we attempt to do the same here. Our food relief activities continue, ev

May 2020

Dear Praying Friends, Most of you are aware that we were planning to be in the States from June 3 to July 8 for a brief furlough. While we’ve known this trip would likely be canceled, we did not hav

April 2020

Dear Praying Friends, We are so grateful for the wonderful response we received concerning the need for food relief here in Knysna. A mere “thank you” could never be enough! Your gifts have helped

March 2020

Dear Praying Friends, Greetings from Knysna where we are coming to the end of our first day of a 21-day national “lockdown” due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We can leave our home to seek medical atte

January 2020

Dear Praying Friends, Our purpose in this update is very simple. We just want to say thank you for everything you are and everything you have done for us. We know that mere words cannot adequately exp

End of 2019 Update

Dear Praying Friends, Happy New Year! It’s amazing to us how 2019 has left so quickly! They say time feels like it moves faster as you get older, and they’re right. In many ways, it feels like onl

November, 2019

Dear Praying Friends, Happy belated Thanksgiving! We do apologize for the lateness of this month’s update. It’s been a very busy couple of weeks with everything winding down for the year and with

October, 2019

Dear Praying Friends, In last month’s update, we highlighted the needs of Sivuyele School for the Deaf and our ministry there. We are so thrilled to report that as of about two weeks ago, we have se

Two-Year Anniversary

Dear Praying Friends, Thank you so much for your prayers and support over the past few weeks, as we’ve begun a new phase of life as a family. On July 31, Ashley and Amy left for the US as Ashley is

June, 2019

Sometimes in ministry you wonder how it’s going. How are your efforts being received? Are people being impacted the way you envisioned? These are difficult questions to answer on your own because of

May, 2019

Dear Praying Friends, May has been one of those months that reminds me of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, where Solomon reminds us that in life there is a time for all circumstances, activities, and emotions. So,

April, 2019

Dear Praying Friends, This past month has been unusual as our family has been apart for most of it. As many of you know, I (George) have been in the States since April 11 and will leave on May 7 to he

March, 2019

Dear Praying Friends, Thank you for all your prayers on our behalf, especially since we had a theft of four laptops at our Knysna Hope facility. God has provided wonderfully, and we’ve had some fina

February, 2019

Before moving to Knysna we had made the decision that I, Amy, would not get involved in much for the first year after we arrived. I felt it was important for me to focus on our family and ensure the k

January, 2019

Dear Praying Friends, According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, a milestone is defined as “an important point in the progress or development of something.” We all have milestones in our

December, 2018

Dear Praying Friends, We hope that you all had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We were able to spend lots of time together as a family and ministry team. We’ve missed George David greatly, as

November, 2018

Dear Praying Friends, We trust you all had a blessed Thanksgiving! While Thanksgiving is not a recognised holiday here in South Africa, our South African friends are very interested in it and more tha

Vehicle Update

Dear Praying Friends, We want to send out a special thanks to all those who have been praying and giving to help us in the unexpected vehicle repair expense from a couple weeks back. God has provided

October, 2018, Special Update

Dear Praying Friends, This is not our regular update, but we wanted to bring two items to your attention for prayer and praise. ITEM #1: A couple weeks back, we experienced a major breakdown of our

September, 2018

Dear Praying Friends, Philippians 1:3-5 is quoted often in missionary updates, and for good reason, because they express a typical missionary’s sentiment: “I thank my God in all my remembrance

August, 2018

Dear Praying Friends, Greetings from Knysna, where it is still cold and rainy, just like last month! We now realise that there really is such a thing as winter in Africa, complete with snow-capped mou

July, 2018

Dear Praying Friends, July has been, without question, the most difficult month for us emotionally since we’ve moved to Knysna. The singular event that has dominated our life lately has been the los

May/June, 2018

Dear Praying Friends, Greetings from cold and rainy Knysna! It’s winter here; and while we don’t experience frigid temperatures along with snow and ice, there’s a pervasive chill in the air on d

April, 2018

Dear Praying Friends, After His resurrection and prior to ascending into heaven, Jesus instructed His disciples to make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:18-20). This passage (among others) is founda

March, 2018

Dear Praying Friends, Tomorrow, we have the privilege and blessing of celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ – the most joyous occasion for all true Christians! This is the foundation upon

February, 2018

Dear Praying Friends, We trust and pray this update finds you well. We, along with members of our team, have spent hours and hours the past several weeks doing renovations (scraping paint from walls,

December, 2017

Dear Praying Friends, If we could sum up this year in one word, it would undoubtedly be “change.” Very little in life is the same as it was at the beginning of this year. We have experienced nume

November, 2017

Dear Praying Friends, It is with great joy that we send this update! Just yesterday, Ashley had the privilege of sharing the Gospel with one of her first grade students after a school assembly where s

October, 2017

Dear Praying Friends, Greetings from Knysna on a 95 degree day! Yes, we are fully into spring and heading toward summer. Today has been an early preview of what’s to come, so we’re strateg

Ready to Go!

Dear Praying Friends, After a long day of running last-day errands, saying final good-byes, organizing our belongings, and packing twenty pieces of luggage . . . we are ready to go. We will leave at 5

Update on Visa Situation

Dear Praying Friends, It is with great joy and thankfulness that we come to you with news that our visas have been approved! For everything that went wrong in the circumstances surrounding our first a

July, 2017

Dear Praying Friends, We want to thank you for the overwhelming response of prayer and encouragement in light of the setback we experienced last week. You have lifted us up in countless ways, and God

Urgent Prayer Request Regarding Our Visas

Dear Praying Friends, We come to you with an urgent prayer request. Just this morning, we received word that our visa applications were rejected. The South African Consulate gave no reason whatsoever;

June, 2017

Dear Praying Friends, Sometimes it’s difficult to find new ways to say thank you to those who lift us up in prayer regularly. We want to offer our thanks with each update, but we never want it to be

May, 2017

Dear Praying Friends, The days seem to be going by faster and faster as we find ourselves closing in on our departure for Knysna! We say this often, but we’ve never meant it more than we do now –

April, 2017

Dear Praying Friends, In Ephesians 6:10, Paul reminds us to “Be strong in the Lord, and in His mighty power.” Paul then challenges us to put on God’s armor, standing against the Enemy in service

March, 2017

Dear Praying Friends, Thank you for praying for us over this past month! God has worked and blessed mightily, and we’d like to provide a brief summary of some of His answers to your prayers. First,

February, 2017

We continue to be grateful for all of you – your prayers, support, and encouragement have blessed us in so many ways! Thank you once again for bringing us before our God as often as you do. We have

January, 2017

Dear Praying Friends, In Deuteronomy 31, we find Moses commissioning Joshua as Israel’s new leader. Moses declares the following to Joshua in verse 8: “It is the LORD who goes before you. He will

Happy New Year!

It is 2017! Where did 2016 go??? We had such a busy year it is no wonder it seemed to fly. The year began with preparing to visit South Africa the end of February and beginning of March to verify wha

December, 2016

Dear Praying Friends, As 2016 comes to a close, we want to offer our sincere thanks to each of you for your prayers, support, and encouragement as we have begun our missionary journey. God has been so

November, 2016

Dear Praying Friends, We hope you had a good Thanksgiving weekend, with some time for rest and relaxation, but also with some time for grateful reflection. As we reflect on all that we have to be tha

Update on Alyssa, November, 2016

Hi Friends, Usually George is the one who writes the updates, but I decided it is time for me (Amy) to send one. We have mentioned Alyssa’s health several times now, and I know many of you have

October, 2016

Dear Praying Friends, Time continues to hurry along as we get ever closer to the holidays and the end of 2016! With our departure for Knysna racing toward us, we are being challenged to trust God and

September, 2016

It is a blessing to report that over the last month, we have seen dozens of people added to our prayer team! Scripture teaches us that God desires our prayers and that when offered in accordance with

June, 2016

It’s hard to believe that six weeks have already passed since our “launch” Sunday at Calvary Baptist Church in Lansdale, PA. We are officially underway with preparations for our move

Deputation Is Underway

We were honored to officially launch our deputation on Sunday, April 24th, at Calvary Baptist Church in Lansdale—our sending church. What a thrill it was to present our ministry plans to our loving